Pantyhose or Trousers: The New York Times Missed the Mark on Courtroom Attire

Earlier this month, I had oral arguments for an appellate brief I wrote in my legal rhetoric and writing course. My male partner and I spent hours upon hours of preparation time on an assignment that accounted for a mere ten percent of our overall grade. To put that into perspective, just showing up to... Continue Reading →

LRSD Teachers on the Chopping Block

Whenever I move to a new state, I try to immerse myself in the politics of my new community. I try to answer questions like what is going on, what is a big concern, how do I feel about it, how can I help – essentially trying to engage on a local level and figuring... Continue Reading →

I’m Okay?: The Lasting Effects of Bullying

***TW: anxiety, disordered eating, self-harm*** In kindergarten, I was recurrently tossed off the top of a five-foot slide by the same boy while his friends watched. Relief did not come when the principal intervened, but rather when the boy finally moved away. I re-visited that school this past summer while substitute teaching. The same playground... Continue Reading →

Back on Track

Our last update was after our first day in Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia and one of my favorite stops thus far. As passionate as I was about Athens and Heraklion (in particular all the ruins and museums), Zagreb was the first city Luke and I toured that felt lived in. Yes, there were... Continue Reading →

Detours East and West

Our last update left off right before we arrived in Heraklion, a port city in Northern Crete. Luke and I loaded up on the ferry in Piraeus, not really sure what to expect from the cruise ship-like vessel. In our desire to be as low cost as possible, i.e. cheap, we opted for general deck... Continue Reading →

I Have a Blog?!?

If I am being perfectly honest, I sort of forgot I had a blog. Last year, I made several half-hearted efforts at crafting a new post before being distracted with LSAT/law school prep, work, or sad attempts at getting an adequate amount of sleep. In the past year, Luke and I have moved to a... Continue Reading →

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